Highlight landmarks in purple
Talk to your local authorities (or relevant managing authorities) to present them with the campaign and ask them for their support. Lightening up buildings or landmarks in purple involves adding a simple purple filter to the usual lightening equipment of that building/landmark. EFCCA can provide you with a letter of support.
Contact Bella Haaf, EFCCA
Purple Ribbon
Many of the IBD associations linked to World IBD Day are using the purple ribbon as a symbol of awareness and support for those living with IBD. If you would like to receive ribbons for your awareness raising campaign please contact the EFCCA office.
Contact Luisa Avedano, EFCCA
Social Media
Please share information of this campaign on your social media, your national association´s website and the World IBD Day website. Whenever you post/share something about the campaign please make sure to use the following hashtags: #IBDhasnoborders and #worldibdday2025.

Involving volunteers
World IBD Day is a good occasion to involve your volunteers, friends and supporters. Many of the EFCCA associations are asking volunteers to gather on World IBD Day at the buildings/landmarks to hand out information material on IBD.
Contact EFCCA office