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World IBD Day 2024

Crohn's og Colitis Ulcerosa Samtökin organised an IBD awareness campaign that started on 3 May with an event in Smáralind, one of the two largest shopping centres.

The group had ordered some reusable cotton bags, purple of course, with the CCU slogan "ÞÚ SÉRÐ ÞAÐ EKKI UTAN Á MÉR" (meaning; you can't see it on me). 
The team gave away 650 bags!

In the bag, there was a roll of toilet paper, a scented spray, a cute little poo figure to remind us to always keep a good sense of humour, and an information pamphlet about the diseases and the CCU association.

The Facebook awareness campaign ran from 1 May to 19 May and CCU used social media content from EFCCA as a basis, with the English text replaced by Icelandic.
The social media content reached over 142 thousand people, which was just over 37% of the nation’s population!

Stay tuned for their activities in: