In Finland, over 60,000 people suffer from IBD.
In 2023, there was a regrettable record in diagnoses, as 3,003 individuals received a new diagnosis, which is more than ever before.
This year, the theme for World IBD Day in Finland is "together as peers."
Specifically, peers, those who truly understand what a gastrointestinal disease can entail, are encouraged to speak up. Each person's story and experiences with the condition are unique, yet there are easily identifiable points of empathy.
Peer experiences can be read, for example, in the membership magazine of IBD ja muut suolistosairaudet ry (Finnish Association), or in Facebook peer groups.
The Finnish Association turns 40!
This year, as we celebrate World IBD Day, we also commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Finnish organization for those with gastrointestinal diseases and their loved ones.
The theme of World IBD Day aligns well with this celebratory year!
The organization originated from the need for knowledge and peer support and its fundamental purpose has not changed over the decades.
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