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World IBD Day 2019

The patient association DII Brasil representing 19 state patient association are embarking on several social media campaigns and other activities aimed to raise IBD awareness in Brazil.

More info: DII Brasil - Associação Nacional de Pacientes com DII - Dça Crohn e Colite

The ABCD organisation will be mobilizing again for actions in favor of Purple May. These are some of the actions that are in the pipeline:

- Outdoor walks in various parks, beaches, squares and streets;

- Monuments, buildings, bridges, points of Cities illuminated in purple

- Meetings and Lectures to patients and their families

- Symposiums and Scientific Meetings for physicians and other health professionals

-Distribution of leaflets to the community

- Media and Outreach on Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis;

- Interviews in TV and Radio programs;

São Luís - Maranhão Prefecture, Photo credit: AMADII

Maio Roxo na Paróquia Imaculado Coração de Maria em Santos