The patient association DII Brasil representing 19 state patient association are embarking on several social media campaigns and other activities aimed to raise IBD awareness in Brazil.
More info: DII Brasil - Associação Nacional de Pacientes com DII - Dça Crohn e Colite
The ABCD organisation will be mobilizing again for actions in favor of Purple May. These are some of the actions that are in the pipeline:
- Outdoor walks in various parks, beaches, squares and streets;
- Monuments, buildings, bridges, points of Cities illuminated in purple
- Meetings and Lectures to patients and their families
- Symposiums and Scientific Meetings for physicians and other health professionals
-Distribution of leaflets to the community
- Media and Outreach on Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis;
- Interviews in TV and Radio programs;
São Luís - Maranhão Prefecture, Photo credit: AMADII
Maio Roxo na Paróquia Imaculado Coração de Maria em Santos