Fundación Mas Vida
Within the framework of World IBD Day, the IBD association, Más Vida, organised a meeting with partners and stakeholders to share its experiences about IBD. They also organised a workshop/discussion group on 23 May in the Flores neighbourhood (Buenos Aires) about common beliefs and perceptions around the limitations (real or imaginative) as concerns IBD. The target group of this workshop were IBD patients from the age of 16 and onwards.
On 19 May, the commemoration of the Worl IBD Day, Fundeccu - the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Support Foundation - based in Neuquén, organised activities and community events to provide education, awareness and outreach, in addition to offering brochures and other educational materials.
Moreover, a series of interviews took place at the following radio stations:
\nFM DEL LAGO FM 102.5 – San Martin de los Andes, Argentina
\nRADIO TEENS – WAKE UP FM 92,7 - Neuquén, Argentina
\nSENSATION FM 107.5 -Neuquén, Argentina
\nRADIOMITRE 104.7 FM RECORD - Neuquén, Argentina
\nLU 19 AM 690 Radio Comahue- Rio Negro, Argentina.
Information about World IBD Day also appeared in the printed press such as local newspapers and Fundecco was invited to talk about the disease at the TV Show Afternoon Mix.
The most important news, was the approval of a new law by the City Council of the city of Neuquén of the Project “CANT WAIT!” presented by Fundeccu-Argentina, which allows easy access to public toilets, priority seating in Public Transport and fast attendance in public office.
For more information about Más Vida: