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World IBD Day 2012

Since 2010 the European Federation of Crohn´s and Ulcerative Colitis Associations (EFCCA) has been an active supporter of World IBD Day. EFCCA represents 27 patient associations throughout Europe and its main focus with regard to World IBD Day is to target policy makers of the European institutions such as the European Commission and the European Parliament in order to increase awareness about IBD and to improve life of the over 2.2 million people living with IBD in Europe.

This year EFCCA hosted an awareness raising event in the European Parliament supported by several Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who will also support an initiative to draw more attention to the difficulties that IBD patients have to face and, in particular on the lack of harmonized recognition, across the 27 European Member States, of the rights and needs of people living with IBD.

The support that EFCCA is receiving from the members of the European Parliament is not only a symbolic action but also a clear statement in favor of IBD people and patients in general and it might be the first step of a legislative process able to fill the lack of harmonization and to eradicate the discriminations that people living with IBD face in the territory of the European Union.

This year EFCCA organize an awareness raising event
in the European Parliament

For more information please visit our website: